Australia’s Largest Supplier of Used Commercial Gym Equipment

GYM 365

Start Your Own PT Business for

$37,900 or $149/Week


GYM365 represents the next evolution in personal training and our unique design is creating new business opportunities for PTs around the world.

GYM365 comes with all the equipment you need to take your business to the next level… and your new GYM365 rig can be personalised to your brand. 


Made to Last

GYM365 is a mobile gym, that enable trainers to deliver a complete strength & functional training service in various formats, including we come to you, one-on-one, small group PT, corporate training and more. This coupled with the benefits of conducting programs quickly and easily in locations of your choice can truly set your business apart.

With built-in waterproof strength machines, ample storage for all your traditional equipment and a superfast setup time, the easily towable GYM365 S8 MkII enables strength training virtually anywhere, giving you complete freedom within your business.

See it in Action

“We are so happy with our Gym365 and so are our clients. The gym is both a great training tool and a great marketing tool: 1) From a training standpoint it is an incredible, towable gym that can be brought directly to the client, offering real gym equipment and real value, 2) From a marketing standpoint, it is a head-turning, moving billboard on the road….Best of both worlds! Our interactions with the Gym365 Team have been nothing short of excellent. They are prompt in their responses, willing to go the extra mile for their customers and have proven to me time and time again that they are an organisation with the utmost integrity. We highly recommend both their product and their people… Gym365 is the real deal!”

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Price includes GST. Delivery calculated per order.
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